Eric Boyd is an engineer, environmentalist, and transhumanist. He currently spends his time developing wearable electronic senses, devices which augment your interface to the world, turning you into a cyborg. His diverse past includes market gardening, dot coms, industrial sensors, and automotive journalism. Eric blogs at You can learn more about wearable electronic senses at
Videos about or made by Libraries = Videos über oder von Bibliotheken
Donnerstag, 23. Februar 2012
Eric Boyd: TEDxLibrariansTO
Dienstag, 21. Februar 2012
Siobhan Stevenson: TEDxLibrariansTO
16.30, engl.
Siobhan Stevenson (Ph.D.) is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto. After ten years working with an agency of the Ontario government responsible for the coordination of autonomous public library boards through the development of policies, programs and funding opportunities designed to that end, Siobhan returned to the University of Western Ontario to pursue her Ph.D. The problems that she addresses in her research revolve around issues she encountered in the field, specifically the role of class struggle in the public policy process, and the ways in which it manifests in competing visions of today's information societies. Her object of analysis is often the local public library because, among other reasons, its ubiquity combined with its seeming banality make it a compelling site for the study of the complex ways in which state institutions serve to legitimate and reproduce the status quo. Currently, she is conducting a historical study on labour relations in public libraries across Canada from the early 1950s through to today's information economy.
Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2012
Visiting the Bookmobile! Library360 #1
Samstag, 11. Februar 2012
Sara M. Grimes : TEDxLibrariansTO
16:43, engl.
"Dr. Sara M. Grimes is an Assistant Professor with the Faculty of Information, University of Toronto, where she teaches and researches in the areas of children's digital games, media, literature and culture. Her published work includes explorations of children's virtual worlds and online games, as well as examinations of the legal and ethical dimensions of online advertising and transmedia marketing strategies targeting children. She has presented her work at a number of national and international conferences, and has participated in various workshops and consultations examining issues and implications relating to children's digital culture. Sara's current research explores child-generated content in digital games (such as LittleBigPlanet), the role and function of transmedia intertextuality within children's play and cultural participation, and emerging issues around children's creativity and cultural rights. She blogs about this work and related items of interest at Gamine Expedition ("
Donnerstag, 2. Februar 2012
Amy Buckland: TEDxLibrariansTO
10:07, engl.
"Amy Buckland is the eScholarship, ePublishing & Digitization Coordinator at McGill University Library, where she is responsible for scholarly communication, publishing initiatives, and making rare items from special collections available to the world through digitization. She loves information almost as much as Fluevog shoes, and thinks academic libraryland is ripe for a revolution. You can find her online at and in most social networks as Jambina."