Videos about or made by Libraries = Videos über oder von Bibliotheken
Montag, 31. Januar 2011
Sonntag, 30. Januar 2011
iACPL - 2.0 - 3.0 - ...
engl., 0:42.
IT departments and librarians, they go together like bananas and waffles.
engl., 0:43.
More Fun with IT Professional and Librarian!
engl., 0:53.
IT and Librarian learn to get along just a little bit better.
engl., 1:00.
The big Pay off! It Professional and Librarian bury the hatchet just in time to meet: It Librarian.
48 Hour film "Conan the Librarian" by Backyard Prod. 2007
engl., 7:35.
Samstag, 29. Januar 2011
Queens Library Enriches Families
engl., 10:10.
Queens Library offers many free, innovative, award-winning programs that enrich the lives of children and families from our 62 community libraries in NYC. For further information go to
Work at Queens Library: Enrich Your Life®
engl., 8:46.
Queens Library, the No. 1 circulating public library in the country, is seeking enthusiastic professionals who are ready to meet the challenge of working in a fast-paced, culturally diverse environment. See our job openings online at or contact us at (718) 990-0702.
Donnerstag, 27. Januar 2011
Dienstag, 25. Januar 2011
Developing the Reading Habit
This 30 second video from the Finnish Library Association is great! This should go viral.
[via Stephen's Lighthouse]
Montag, 24. Januar 2011
Samstag, 22. Januar 2011
The Professional Librarian 1-3
1. At the Returns Desk
engl., 1:30.
2. Difficult Customers
engl., 2:09.
3. Handling Overseas Students
engl., 2:00.
engl., 1:30.
2. Difficult Customers
engl., 2:09.
3. Handling Overseas Students
engl., 2:00.
A Youtube Salute to Librarians
engl., 5.29. Medley aus bekannten Szenen anderer Youtube-Clips zu Bibliothekarinnen/Bibliothekaren.
Library Nightmare
engl., 3:31.
This video explains how to handle a patron that has suddenly found himself in a Kafkaesque situation
Library Noir - UQ Law Revue 2008
engl., 4:33.
Jimmy is studying late the night before his criminal law final. In his desperation he turns to the one person that can help him.
Library Mystery Tour 2007
engl., 3:35.
Shown to incoming students as part of their library orientation activity.
Sesame Street: Grover In The Library
engl., 1:42.
No Cookies in the Library - Classic Sesame Street
engl., 2:48.
Much to the chagrin of a tempermental librarian Cookie Monster can't seem to comprehend that libraries don't have cookies. My mom loves this skit for some reason.
Library Patrons' Voices
engl., 1:09.
The voices of people who frequent Inglewood Public Library. They discuss their use of the public access computers.
SLUBcast - Selbst ist der Verbucher
dt., 2:33.
E-Tutorial der SLUB Dresden zum Thema: "Selbst ist der Verbucher - Wie entleihe ich selbstaendig meine Medien in der SLUB Dresden
Wissenswelten: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
dt., 1:10.
Fotoimpressionen aus der Stabi Hamburg
dt., 1:19.
Fotoimpressionen aus der Staatsbibliothek Hamburg. Eine Diashow mit Musik, für alle ehemaligen und gegenwärtigen Studenten.
School Library Media Centers Rock!
engl., 1:09.
Freitag, 21. Januar 2011
Bibliothek Campus Jülich der FH Aachen
dt., 6:49. [via]
Ihre Literatur ist unsere Aufgabe - Rundgang durch die Bibliothek Campus Jülich der FH Aachen.
Mehr Infos unter
Mittwoch, 19. Januar 2011
Eli Neiburger at the LJ/SLJ eBook Summit: Libraries Are Screwed; Part 1 and 2
engl., 12:38.
The world of content is changing quickly; how do eBooks impact libraries? A tipping point is upon us, are libraries screwed? And if so, what can we do about it? Part 1 of a 2 Part youtubeification of Eli's talk at the Library Journal / School Library Journal eBook summit: Libraries at the Tipping Point, held September 29, 2010. Featuring the live audio from the sessions and the slides as Keynote intended!
engl., 8:39.
So we've enumerated the threats to libraries and the difficulties in finding a new formula to providing value to our communities in the absence of access to commercial content markets. So now what? How can libraries re-invent themselves to provide service and value in a world where bestsellers are not for sale to libraries? Part 2 of a 2-part youtubeification of Eli's talk at the Library Journal / School Library Journal eBook Summit: Libraries at the Tipping Point, held September 29, 2010. Featuring the live audio from the session and the slides as Keynote intended!
Dienstag, 18. Januar 2011
Tübinger e-Learning-Statements
Statements zum e-Learning von
37. Statement zu E-Learning / Peter Rempis, UB Tübingen, E-Learning (TOBIAS-edu).
dt., 1:57.
38. Statement zu E-Learning / Marianne Dörr, UB Tübingen, Direktorin.
dt., 1:46.
40. Statement zu E-Learning / Thomas Walter, Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung, Direktor.
dt., 2:35. Nimmt u.a. Bezug auf timms, den Tübinger Internet Multimedia Server.
19. Statement zu E-Learning / Friedrich W. Hesse, Institut für Wissensmedien, Direktor.
dt., 1:51.
37. Statement zu E-Learning / Peter Rempis, UB Tübingen, E-Learning (TOBIAS-edu).
dt., 1:57.
38. Statement zu E-Learning / Marianne Dörr, UB Tübingen, Direktorin.
dt., 1:46.
40. Statement zu E-Learning / Thomas Walter, Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung, Direktor.
dt., 2:35. Nimmt u.a. Bezug auf timms, den Tübinger Internet Multimedia Server.
19. Statement zu E-Learning / Friedrich W. Hesse, Institut für Wissensmedien, Direktor.
dt., 1:51.
Sonntag, 16. Januar 2011
Up Close With The Rude Malaysian - The Library
Opening Times
engl., 2:01. [via]
This a film that we shot and edited in a day.
It is a response to Somerset County Council's decision to close 60% of its library branches and mobile libraries in 2011, including the always busy Glastonbury library.
This is disgusting.
If you feel the same please show your support by joining the 'Friends of Glastonbury Library' facebook page which you can find by following the link below.!/pages/Frie...
or similarly by sending an email of support to
Cheeeers then.
(for optimum quality please watch in HD if you are able)
Samstag, 15. Januar 2011
Imagefilm Wiwi Tübingen
dt., 7:12.
Beachten Sie, wie oft in diesem Imagefilm eines Faches Buchregale als Symbol für gute Infrastrukturausstattung aufgeführt werden (insbesondere in der 1. Minute)!
Wild Rose Shanachietour: video conferencing in Alberta Libraries
Wild Rose Shanachietour: video conferencing in Alberta Libraries from Jaap van de Geer on Vimeo.
engl., 24:45.
"The RISE Network is an incredible project that connects libraries across Alberta Canada.[via Shanachietour]
The Shanachies visit Chinook Arch Regional Library System and a couple of libraries to learn more about the initiative."
Montag, 10. Januar 2011
Helpdesk im Mittelalter (German / Deutsch)
norwegisch mit dt. Untertiteln, 2:25.
Ein Klassiker ...
Sonntag, 9. Januar 2011
ALAn Midwinter 2011 | UnConference
engl, 1:35.
Conversation with Helene Blowers
engl., 3:54.
Conversation With David Lee King
engl., 6:04.
Conversation with Michael Stephens
engl., 4:16.
Conversation with Stephen Abram
engl., 4:03.
Roberta Stevens - Demystifing
engl., 5:47. [via The Proverbial Lone Wolf Librarian's Weblog]
"ALA President Roberta Stevens offers an 'Insider and Outsider' perspective on the American Library Association. Her insights on getting started as a member and becoming more involved will help newer members better understand this large and sometimes complex organization while providing long-time members with a refresher on ways that ALA membership impacts one's career, community and library."
Samstag, 8. Januar 2011
Building Academic Library 2.0 [Meredith Farkas]
UC Berkeley Library Systems, 2007, engl., 1.10:38. [Meredith Farkas spricht ab 13:00, vorher lauter Einführungen/-leitungen]
"Academic Library 2.0 Keynote Speaker: Meredith Farkas, Distance Learning Librarian Norwich University, Northfield A Conference sponsored by the Librarians Association of the University of California, Berkeley Division
Once a symbolic bastion of traditional accumulations of specialized knowledge, today's academic library operates in an information landscape grown increasingly variegated and difficult to traverse.
Paradoxically, at the same time, data, information, knowledge, cultural production, and scholarship are far more accessible, appropriable, and manipulable than ever before. New media attract widespread attention, more pliable technologies emerge with increasing frequency, and--most importantly--young generations of students and faculty with aptitudes, skills, and expectations borne of a world massively defined by the Internet and its progeny are populating the halls of academe.
The convergence of the once distinct technological and social meanings of the term "network" is evident in the rise of communities of remote collaborations among friends, acquaintances, students, and researchers. These developments compel academic libraries to consider how best to apply new technologies to suit users' demands and to satisfy their institutional and educational missions.
The Academic Library 2.0 conference will address the phenomenon of academic libraries taking affirmative steps to deploy technologies and services that facilitate users' virtually instant connection to diverse sources of knowledge and information, as well as to help users directly contribute form and substance to those sources."
Videos aus Bibliotheken
"Viele Bibliotheken nutzen heute die Möglichkeit, ihre Zielsetzungen und Arbeitsinhalte auch über Online-Videos zu transportieren. Unser Angebot haben wir daher um Filme aus aller Welt ergänzt, bei denen das Thema "Bibliothek" im Mittelpunkt steht. Die von uns ausgewählten Videos sollen dabei auch als Anregung für Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare im deutschsprachigen Raum dienen, ihre Angebote und Services auf diese innovative Weise zu vermitteln.[via ekz]
Wir haben uns zunächst für folgende Themen entschieden:
* Schule und Lesen
* Lernen
* Räume
* Technologie
* Interkulturelles
* Kinderbibliothek
* Jugendbibliothek
* Marketing
* Strategie
* Einzelne Bibliotheken
Unsere Auswahl orientiert sich an den Kriterien Verständlichkeit, Qualität und Kreativität und erhebt keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit. Aus technischen Gründen haben wir im ersten Schritt den Fokus auf Inhalte der Website YouTube gerichtet. Beim Anklicken werden die Clips direkt vom YouTube-Server aufgerufen und auf der ekz-Seite angezeigt. Somit handelt es sich um eine Link-Sammlung im erweiterten Sinn."
Donnerstag, 6. Januar 2011
Dienstag, 4. Januar 2011
Sonntag, 2. Januar 2011
Samstag, 1. Januar 2011
A Librarian by Any Other name: Renaming the profession?
engl., 3:05.
In the 21st Century librarians around the world are perplexed. As their roles have changed, a cry has gone up "What should we call our jobs?". In this video Ms Swann and her team attempt to work it out.
Michael Stephens: The Hyperlinked Community Library
Michael Stephens "The Hyperlinked Community Library" on Vimeo.
Präsentation auf dem Leipziger Bibliothekskongress 2009, engl., 57:23.
Die Präsentation wurde 2008ff. oft gehalten, vgl. den entsprechenden Tame the Web-Eintrag.
Interview mit Michael Stephens
engl., 6:18.
Erik Boekesteijn and Jaap van de Geer, DOK Delft Public Library, interview Michael Stephens in Chicago about libraries and innovation
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