Dienstag, 26. Oktober 2010

Libraries and Transliteracy

engl., 1:30. [via Library and Transliteracy]

The Hyperlinked Library Themes

Short video for workshop at Internet Librarian International October 2010. A Roadmap to the Hyperlinked Library
Mal Booth, University of Technology Sydney (Australia) lead the workshop because of my injury.

Michael Stephens/Mal Booth, engl., 5:13. [via Tame the Web]

Sonntag, 17. Oktober 2010

Phineas and Ferb - Love händel drummer - I aint got rythem

The drummer from Love Händel from Phineas and Ferb (Who has become a librarian) playing some nice beat.

engl., 2:44. [via Librarian in Residence]

Samstag, 9. Oktober 2010

Library Revolutions

engl., 11:14.

When he was a KU student, Emmy winner Chris Martin directed 2003's Library Revolutions, a parody of "The Matrix." Open the red book and see just how far the KU Libraries hthousego.

Two oldies but goodies. These library videos attract attention, are pretty cool and have a professional look. The real next step is to make the sale after marketing the library – get a card, visit the website, do a search, make an appointment . . . a call to action. I wonder how many libraries train front line staff how to respond effectively and build on the marketing efforts that draw people to the library’s goodness?

[via Stephens Lighthouse]

Rückgabe des lang überfälligen book of power : Parodie auf den Herrn der Ringe

engl., 18:09.

Before winning an Emmy for his work on "Heroes," then-student Chris Martin wrote and directed 2004's "The Lord of the Libraries" - a tale of action, adventure, and overdue books, parodying "The Lord of the Rings."

Freitag, 1. Oktober 2010

Der 1. Oktober ist der "Follow a Library Day"

Stephen Abram. engl., 1:34.

Michael Stephens. engl., 0:41.

David Lee King. engl., 0:41.

Und andere. [via Follow a Library]