Dienstag, 31. August 2010

The Lion's Roar - StudySC.org

"Well, after much thought I decided it was best to not do our biweekly podcast any more. Just too much work and not a lot of return - SO, I developed this. I'll be doing more of these and posting them to the SC State Library's YouTube channel. Enjoy!"
[via Libraries & Life]

South Carolina State Library, realisiert mit Screencast-o-Matic, engl., 1:54.

Sonntag, 29. August 2010

How to Use Your iPhone as a Library Card with CardStar

Hinsdale Public Library in Illinois, Reihe "Howcasts", engl., 2:24. [via 2cooltools]

Obligations and Opportunities : R. David Lankes presents New Librarianship

ALA Annual Conference, Denver, CO., engl., Präsentation mit Tonspur, 42:47. [via LIS News: Librarians must be Agents of Change]

Dan Greenstein at Survive or Thrive conference

[talk] Dan Greenstein at Survive or Thrive conference from UKOLN on Vimeo. engl., 49:25

I’d like to leave you with a presentation by Dan Greenstien, who gave the opening keynote at the Survive or Thrive conference in June. He encouraged university librarians to think about “what kind of investments institutions will and will not make in their libraries when funding is scarce.” I think this is a question that we will all be forced to answer.
[Caroline Williams in: Intute Blog]

Samstag, 28. August 2010

Freitag, 27. August 2010


deutsch, 4:46

WU Universitätsbibliothek

Wie man eine super Einführung in die Bibliotheksbenutzung macht, zeigt die UB der WU Wien mit ihrem sehenswerten Sieben-Minuten-Video :-)
[via Facebook Fanpage Bibliotheksverband Südtirol],  7:25.

Enhver idiot er velkommen pa biblio!

 "Jeder Idiot ist in der Bibliothek willkommen!" - Wie eine dänische Bibliothek um Kunden wirbt, ist sicher nicht jedermanns/jederfraus Sache. Die Schlagzeilen sind dem Werbefilmchen allerdings gewiss :-)
[via Facebook Fanpage Bibliotheksverband Südtirol],  0:44.

Samstag, 21. August 2010

Who knew a library could be this epic?

Filmed at the first Teen After Hours program of Portland Public Teen Library, August 19, 2010. Video by David Chu. 3:33. [via Tame the Web]

Bei den Vorschlägen rechts dann noch einige andere Videos im Zusammenhang mit diesem, u.a. "Why do you like the Portland Public Teen Library?"

Dienstag, 17. August 2010

Become a librarian.

kritischeHTWKare | 5. Juli 2010
Entstanden im Modul "Mediendesign und -herstellung" an der HTWK Leipzig / 2010.

Dozent: Dale Askey

Musik, 2:14. Kategorie: Unterhaltung

Bibliotheken bewegen sich - so oder so

Musik, 2:36. HTWK Leipzig. Nach einem Hinweis von @hobohm.

Samstag, 7. August 2010

Genderbibliothek liest vor

Im Rahmen der Feierlichkeiten zum 20. Geburtstag der Genderbibliothek der HU Berlin lesen deren Mitarbeiter_innen vor. [via volkslesen.tv]

The Dewey Decimal Rap


engl., 4:15. Text:

Hi! My name is Melville Dewey! Nice to meet you, how you doing? If you need info, you know where to go, go to your library! Once upon a time in library land, I was looking for information man. I couldnt find it anywhere. Books scattered everywhere. Books over here, books over there, books everywhere, man . . . I swear! So I said there needs to be, organization in the library. Use numbers, one, two, three, and name that system after me! (Chorus) My Dewey Decimal System classifies information son. My Dewey Decimal System organizes information son. My Dewey Decimal System is so very easy to use. My Dewey Decimal System . . . here is what you got to do! Say 000! Generalities. Say 100! Philosophy & Psychology. Say 200! Religion. Say 300! Social Sciences. Say 400! Language.
Say 500! Natural Sciences. Say 600! Technology. Say 700! Artistic Stuff. Say 800! Literature. Say 900! Geography & History. (Chorus)

But Melville . . . can you tell me where to find info on sharks please?
Yeah! I can. No problem. I type it into my computer and . . . KA-BLAM!
597.3 Sharks.

But Melville . . . can you tell me where to find info on Italian Recipes please?
Yeah! I can. No problem. I type it into my computer and . . . KA-BLAM!
641.8 Italian Recipes.

But Dewey . . . can you tell me where to find info on the Titanic please?
Yeah! I can. No problem. I type it into my computer and . . . KA-BLAM!
910 Titanic History.

Welcome To the Library - Rap


engl., 2:34. Text:

Welcome to the library. Ive got a library card. Ive got a shopping cart. Ive got a list of every book that I could possibly want. I pull up to that public library. Stroll in flash my library card and Im V.I.P. Circulation staff asks man what you need? I say I need a fantastic bodacious book to read. They say no problem man I can help you with that. Just take a look in the stacks and you can see what we got.
And oh my goodness oh my word what do I see? Books from the floor to the ceiling welcome to the library. Theres so much information at the library. All the fiction and non fiction that you could ever read. They got reference books, journals, biographies. And blockbuster movies on VHS and DVD. They got books in large print and books on cd. And books in different languages that I cant read. They got all the computers and online resources that you need.
And loads of periodicals and magazines. The library got books. Classic and contemporary. They got old photographs and newspaper clippings. They got books In Spanish man . . . yo hablo espanol. Read this book and translate what I said yo. They got book clubs, events, local history. And storytimes and picture books for little kiddies. And best of all man everything you see is free.
As long as you got a card that says library!

The Masters of Library Science

engl., 5:17.

The Magic of the Library / University of Bergen Library

engl., 3:23.

Elizabeth Gilbert on the value of libraries

engl., 2:36.